Good Vibes
Yoga Program
10 Days of yoga
For Good Vibes & Positive Energy
Ready to step into an abundant, rich experience of life full of positivity and good vibes? Then get started on the Good Vibes program and start to shift your energy.
Each day we offer you a mix of yoga classes, from flows, breathwork and kriya, designed to shift and uplift your energy! We also offer you optional meditations and journaling prompts so you can really get connected, create deep change and conscious intention for your life moving forward.
Day 1 - Get Vital and Grateful
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
15 min
Let’s start by powering up our energy with a short stretch and quick boosting pranayama practice. Get ready to feel more alive and positive.
Practice 2:
30 min
It was a pretty quick first practice right? Maybe you need a little extra today- so perhaps settle in to this beautiful yoga nidra to get you into a positive state of gratitude and abundance.
- How did it feel today to step on your mat and start this journey?
- Could you make a clear motivation for yourself to get on the mat every day for the next 10 days?
- What are five things you're most grateful for in your life right now?
Daily journal prompts
Day 2 - So Fresh and So Clear
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
50 min
See if you can set aside a little more time for you and your practice today. One of Sian’s all time favourite classes- it includes movement, breath & kriya to clear away the cobwebs and any stagnant energy and start to step into radiance.
Fresh, Radiant & Expanding
Practice 2:
Good Morning Meditation
25 min
Need something a little shorter? This practice includes some gentle movement and a meditation that will bring all the good vibes for the day.
- Reflecting on the past few months, and any big moments that have affected you.
- What have you learnt about yourself recently, have you had any insights?
- In what areas of your life are you ready to grow and create change?
Daily journal prompts
Day 3 - Positive & Purposeful
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
20 min
In this practice we clear our energy body, empower ourselves through the breath with some seated pranayama & heart opening kriya. Don’t mind the screeching peacocks in the background!
Positive Start to the Day
Practice 2:
Intention and Purpose
25 min
Add this meditation to you practice when you have time and allow yourself to connect in with your deep intentions.
- Are there any positive intentions you want to set for yourself? It can be helpful to create a timeframe of a week, or month etc, in which to really focus on these.
- What is your deep motivation for creating change and positivity in your life through yoga right now
Daily journal prompts
Day 4- Cleanse on every level
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
45 min
Release from any stagnancy so you can make room for creativity and lightness today. Using flows, breath and meditation to get you there.
Cleanse & Clear Flow
Practice 2:
Aham Brahmasmi - the Creative Force
10 min
Don’t have time for a full practice today? Or have time and space for a meditation? We work with a sacred mantra, the powerful energy of Brahma, the creative force for this practice.
- What challenges are you currently facing?
- Is there any lingering energy, relationship, experience you want to clear and be free from?
Daily journal prompts
Day 5- Joy & Lightness
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
25 min
We bring some fun and light hearted work out energy to this practice! Get your body moving with some heat, bring joy into your movement and enjoy the playlist as we create strength in the body.
Practice 2:
10 min
After your yogi work-out you might like to slow things down and drop into Japa mantra. This powerful mantra connects you to your manifestation potential and the light of your soul.
- What are three moments from the past year that brought you the most joy or fulfilment?
- How could you bring more fun and lightness into your life?
- Imagine your life radiating positive energy, what does it look and feel like?
Daily journal prompts
Day 6- Strength & Manifestation
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
30 min
Let’s create health vitality & power in ourselves to charge forward into your life! When you feel life force in your body, nothing can stop you from manifesting your desires and what you want in life.
Activating Life-Force
- What habits do you want to cultivate to support your well-being this year?
- If you had no limitations stopping you, what dreams would you pursue?
- Write a list of the things you would like to manifest and place it somewhere you can read it every day
Daily journal prompts
Manifest Your Desires Yoga Nidra
Practice 2:
20 min
During this Yoga Nidra practice, you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation, a place where you can access the subconscious mind and plant seeds of intention. During this process, we can start to program our minds to attract and manifest our desires.
Day 7- Power & Gratitude
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
25 min
This dynamic class is designed to empower you to tap into your inner reservoir of strength, courage, and confidence. When you step into your power, anything is possible.
Personal Power Flow
Practice 2:
Evening Gratitude Practice
15 min
Take some time tonight to clear your day and keep the positive energy going throughout your evening with this meditation.
- Who in your life inspires you with their personal empowerment, confidence or capacity to live a full and rich life- and what can you learn from them?
- What would it look like to live unapologetically aligned with your values?
Daily journal prompts
Day 8- Grounded & Relaxed
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
40 min
A classic TLC style practice of flows and breath to get you connected to your body, grounded and feeling embodied. When we step into our bodies, we step into our lives with power and love.
Complete Flow
Practice 2:
15 min
When we are relaxed, we are happy! Bring some extra ease into your day and add on this quick morning nidra after your practice.
Hot Tip: It can be done at the end of the day too.
When we get grounded in our bodies, we can start to look at aspects of our lives that we might have been avoiding from a safe embodied place.
- Are there any aspects of your life that have been niggling at you, that you have been too afraid to look at? It could be to do with finances, food, alcohol, health, relationships or work.
- Are there any steps you could take this year to courageously and lovingly address them?
Daily journal prompts
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
20 min
Ready to amplify the good vibes you have cultivated these last 9 days? Today’s class is a little more gentle, but just as powerful!
Daily Good Vibes Kriya
Practice 2:
Soul Purpose Nidra
20 min
After a week of practice you might be ready to start to tap into your deeper purpose, aligning with what your soul needs.
- List three qualities you love about yourself and how they positively impact your life.
- What does dharma or soul purpose mean to you?
- What would your life look like if you were more connected to your dharma?
Daily journal prompts
Day 10- Celebrate Yo’self!
Your Daily Practice
Practice 1:
25 min
Our last day- so celebrate yoself! Move your body with joy, appreciate your strength and sense you are ready to take on life with positivity and good vibes!
Celebrate your Body Flow
Practice 2:
Abundance Yoga Nidra
20 min
Our final day of practice you might like to create space to manifest abundance with this yoga nidra, so you can bring in all the good things into your life.
- How have these past 10 days impacted the way you feel in your heart, your body and energetically?
- Have you been able to step into an energy of empowerment and positivity?
- Write a letter to your future self one year from now—what do you hope they'll thank you for?
Daily journal prompts
Ready to dive deeper?
Learn more about your own body and the yogic practices with our range of Signature TLC trainings.
The Sacred
Our online course connecting you to tantric feminine practices. Awaken the power of the Divine Feminine, held within your own physical body through movement, breath, meditation and the ancient Tantric philosophy.
$1190 AUD
Embodied Breathwork
Our most recent release, Embodied Breathwork has been designed to support teachers and students wanting to deepen their understanding of pranayama and to be initiated into some of these powerful practices.