Mums & Bubs for Hips

Slow Flow with Sian
10 min · post natal - stretch - baby


This is a gentle and fun practice to do with your baby to not only release tightness in the hips but also to send some love to the hips after many months of pressure during pregnancy and also healing post birth.

We keep this slow flow close to the floor, so you can continue to engage with your bubba in practice. Sian's baby Ines was 4 months at the time of this practice and she found at this age it was easier for her to practice and move around with her.


What you’ll need

A Baby
Yoga Mat
Bolster Block

We'll be working with

Slow Flow
Badha Konasana - Butterfly
Konasana - Wide Legged Fold Raju Kaputasana - Pigeon


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