Goddess Bhuvaneshwari Sacred Mantra Meditation

Mantra & Meditation with Sian
15 min · Shakti - Divine Feminine - Spaciousness


"Om Hrim Shrim Klim Bhuvaneshwar-yaiy Namaha"

Bija Mantra: Hreem

Bhuvaneshwari is the goddess of infinite space, universal creation, the womb of the world and we welcome her energy into our bodies in this practice. Traditionally, in both the Vedic and Tantrik streams of yoga, connection to the energy of the Goddesses happened through the subtle vibration of mantra. Allow yourself the time to drop into the subtle through 'japa' mantra, or repetitive mantra. As you repeat the mantra you might drop into a hypnotic state that more easily welcomes in the final meditation.


What you’ll need

Mala Beads (If you have them)
Meditation cushion or pillow
Supports under the knees as needed


We'll be working with

Japa Mantra

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