Frequently asked questions.
What is included in the TLC Online Studio?
The web page www.thelightcollective.studio is the primary way for you to access the majority of our online classes and practices. We also include exclusive access to Live events, via zoom and google meets.
How do I access the my TLC Online Studio membership?
Head to https://www.thelightcollective.studio and a pop up will prompt you to login
Are courses like the TLC Method or the Sacred Woman included in the membership?
No, our online trainings and yoga teacher trainings are separate. You can find out details of our next intake for the TLC Method and The Sacred Woman.
Are livestreamed practices included in the TLC Online Studio?
Yes! We are excited to provide exclusive online streaming content to our members. For those who wish to access online streaming and not join The Online Studio, we may also from time to time offer free practices via IGTV.
How does billing work?
Your billing amount comes out every month. The date of your billing depends on the date you sign up. For example if you purchased a membership on the 15th of the month, you could expect this amount to come out every month on the 15th- this may be slightly later if the date is on a weekend.
If you want to cancel before the end of the month, ensure you do it before your next billing cycle, know the date it comes out, as we don’t offer refunds. All payments are processed automatically through an external membership system.
Is there a minimum sign up period?
No. Cancel whenever you want.
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes. You will need to cancel online, we don’t cancel for you.
Step 1: At the bottom of the website www.thelightcollective.studio you will find a black button that says login/my account.
Step 2: Click on View or cancel plan.
Step 3: Cancel the Membership you wish to cancel.
What if I’m experiencing hardship and want to continue practicing?
As part of Seva (service) to our community, each quarter we offer a number of discounted memberships to students who are experiencing hardship. Follow this link for more information and to apply.